Friday, September 23, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things... right now

1.  The First Years - take and toss spoons/forks are the best.  They are lightweight so babies and toddlers can use them easily.  In addition, the spoons have bowls that are just the right blend of deep and shallow to make it successful for your child.

** Liz's tip: Introduce a fork when chunky foods are introduced (9-11 months).  They are much easier for kids to use and there is no reason why your child can't start with a fork!

2.  Daiya Cheese- So many kids are on special diets.  I found this amazing cheese at Sprouts (also found at Henry's and Whole foods), and it is Gluten Free, Casein Free, and Soy Free! The best part is.. it actually MELTS!!

3.  Sunbutter- Looks/tastes very similar to peanut butter without the risk of allergies.  Look for the "smooth" version to avoid sunflower seed chunks.  This is a great "first dip" for your baby/toddler.

4.  Cooking for Baby-  If you are planning on making your own baby food, or even if you just want information on how/when to start, you MUST get this cookbook.  It is by far the best one I've seen and it even tells you what spices/herbs you can give with your babies purees!!

5.  Mini Massager- If your child has tactile sensitivity (does not like textures, foods in/ around his/her mouth) you can try vibration to the lips, cheeks and tongue several times throughout the day to desensitize the area. 

** Liz's tip: Slowly introduce this by allowing your child to put it on your hand first, then ask permission to put it on your child's face.  If they don't know what's coming it can be very startling at first.

If any of you have cool feeding gadgets, cookbooks, or food to share, please do so that other readers can learn from your experiences!!

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