Thursday, December 1, 2011

Finger Foods!!!

Many of my readers are wondering about finger foods to introduce.  Here is a list of all of my go-to finger foods to suggest for kids:

7-9 months:
- MumMums
- Biter Biscuits
- Small pieces of soft veggies
- Small pieces of cooked fruits
- Meltable solids: cheerios, puffs, rice krispies, graham crackers, Ritz (or any buttery cracker), etc

9-12 months:
**This is the time when you are allowing your kiddo to practice eating solids especially introducing ones similar to what you and the rest of your family is eating for dinner.

- Soft Cheeses (ie:Laughing cow)
- Meatball
- Bread with melted cheese
- Bread with nut butters/butter/jelly
- Zucchini chunks- no skin
- Cooked cauliflower
- Mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes/yams
- Quesadilla bites
- Rotisserie chicken- dark meat shredded
- Raviolis with different fillings  - butternut squash/cheese/spinach- try mini ones :)
- Pancakes/waffles with syrup/apple butter/or jelly
- Rice (try mixing your child's favorite puree as the sauce initially)
- Soft cooked pasta (try mixing your child's favorite puree as the sauce initially)
- Cracker with jelly/sunflower seed butter/cream cheese
- Tofu
- Green beans - cooked
- Peas
- Carrots - cooked
- Squash - cubed
- Potatoes - cubed or in strips (like french fries)
- Breadsticks
- Rice cakes
- Dips (hummus, refried beans, guacamole, sunbutter, soft cheese, cream cheese, etc)
- Deli meats (Nitrate-free if possible)

**Just remember: Every child develops at their own pace and therefore some of the foods on this list may not be appropriate for your child.  This is simply a guideline for suggestions... As always use your best judgement!


  1. Hi Liz!

    My daughter is 9 months old. She's been self-feeding cheerios for about a month just for snacks. This past week we began introducing the spoon. At first she liked it, but then she decided that she is too cool for purees. We've been giving finger foods and she seems to like them, except she only eats such a small amount! She used to eat 14 oz. of purees at every meal. Now she eats about 10-15 bites of finger foods. Any suggestions?

  2. Thanks for your comment, Kelly! It sounds like your little one is getting tired from using all her muscles with the complex finger foods before she gets adequate quantity. Try giving her the finger foods on her tray, and as he is playing/eating/exploring get some bites into her mouth from the spoon. Aim for 2-3 spoons the first day, then 4-5, etc. Good Luck!
